Monday, August 16, 2010


You are the light to my heart and my soul,You are the light to the darkness around me, You are the hope to the hopeless and broken You are the only Truth and the Way. Jesus....As I rode into to work on my tan horse no in the car. I was listen to the radio and they ask what does the name Jesus mean to you. Of course my mind filled with so many things. As the day has gone on 12 hrs later. The key thing that Jesus is to me is light. My way get so cloudy throughout the day with major emotional roller coaster but when I think of Jesus as the Light all confusion has light shed on it. I mean even if my heart feels dark and tar. I think of Jesus and I mean light from all of His perfection, greatness and all His ways are shed right on the situtation. To me Him being the light highlights all of His attibutes because looking at who man is men including the dark nature shadows us.Looking at Jesus and those who know Him as Eternal life get sprinked on by all His light it reveals to us our sin and how we are so desparte for a life saver. Who do you say Jesus is what word or words best describe your view of Jesus? So as I end my work day and think of the next rapidly following I think of Jesus the Light.

Friday, August 13, 2010

In My Heart

The heart (Latin cor) is a hollow, muscular organ that pumps blood through the blood vessels by repeated, rhythmic contractions. The medical side of me like this definitions but this isn't quite what I was looking for. A locus of feelings and intuitions.This is the thing that gets one caught up. Not caught in the heavens but caught up in the wrong things/desires. An inclination or tendency of a certain kind. I know the one that speak of is the later. Lately I have been trying to dig deep to the inner most parts of my heart and see what lurking. for I know the bible says The heart is more deceitful than all else, and is desperately sick;Who can understand it? Not me but, the bible also says, For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.I have been convicted in many ways lately by way of the word that cause me to think about my desire or inclination.My tendancy.... what am I doing what does my charater display. What do I have the tendancy to indulge in? Who am I when know ones is looking.The inner most part of me is what Jesus is looking at forthough we may think we have a audience of many we really have a audience of the One. I don't want to forget to keep Jesus as my focus.But I do, I fall short but the Jesus in me longs to sing and be one who follows Christ in my heart......
Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart, in my heart.
In my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart, in my heart.

Lord, I want to be more loving in my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be more loving in my heart, in my heart.
In my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be more loving in my heart, in my heart.

Lord, I want to be more holy in my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be more holy in my heart, in my heart.
In my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be more holy in my heart, in my heart.

Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart, in my heart.
In my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart, in my heart.